Student Registration at WIN Academy
Welcome to the Houston County WIN Academy!
Mrs. Johnson, the registrar, will provide all the information needed for you to register your child and complete the Student Orientation session. If your student’s last school was not WIN Academy, please make sure the last school has sent a "Student Withdrawal" packet.
School will resume in-person orientation sessions to be held at 9:00 a.m. each Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Additional time may be setup by appointment only. Call the school registration office at 478-929-7828, ext. 1, or in system VoIP ext. 3816 to schedule.
*Orientation times and days may change so not to conflict with teacher workdays, holidays, or county testing days.
You can call Mrs. Johnson to confirm the school withdrawal is received. Once that is confirmed, you can plan on when you and your student will attend the Orientation-Registration session. You will then receive a start date and any additional information needed to proceed with your student's enrollment.
For your convenience, the PowerPoint will be shown at the orientation meeting. School Title I Handbook can be found under the Parents & Students tab at the top of the page labeled "Title I Information."